Wednesday, October 13, 2010



Out of all the countries I have visited, Greece is by far the most historical. Everything the people here do has a story behind it. I wish I could have visited everything here, but I only had a couple of days left. The places I did visit, though, were great.
First, I went to the Temple of Olympian Zeus. It was a temple built in the 6th century for Zeus.It originally had 104 columns, but only 15 remain. Nothing remains of the statue of Zeus either, all thanks to the wind and rain.
Secondly, I visited the Santorini Volcano. It is definitely the most daring thing I have ever done in my life because the volcano is still active. The landscape is gorgeous, though. An eruption caused a crater, it filled with water, and now it is a lake. The island was formed by the volcano too. ( I thought that was interesting.)
When visiting the library in Athens, I ran across this artist and asked him some questions. This is how he responded.

1. Why are you an artist in Greece?
There is so much history here. It also has lots of stories I can depict through my work. I never run out of things to paint.
2. Do you earn good money in Greece being an artist?
Many people in Greece like history, so they buy my paintings of it. This makes pay good, but I don't really mind what I make because I love to paint. That is all that matters.
3. What do you paint most in your drawings?
One main thing in Greek history are the gods, so I draw them. I draw them because it makes me feel as though the stories will never die.

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