Wednesday, October 13, 2010



Lithuania is totally different than Norway and Ireland. It is still amazing, but the atmosphere is different. The people are nice, but not as friendly as the others. I won't let that ruin my trip, though.
My first exploration was of Gedimino's Castle. It is really interesting how it came to be because a grand duke (Gedimino) had a dream that it was God's will to build a castle there. It is strange, but I am so glad he did because when I got to the top, the view was amazing.
I also visited St. Anne's Church of Lithuania. It is a Catholic Church there. I didn't visit it because of the history really, but because of its' architecture. It is symmetrical, and is very "busy" on the outside with a Gothic look to it. The church is what you would picture an extremely old church looking like, medieval, but grand. Another thing cool about it was the fact that it is made out of 33 different types of clay.
When I was there, I asked the preacher a few questions, and this is what he said;

1. Is religion a big part of life in Lithuania?
Religion is a big part of life because there are so many problems in the world today, so people are turning to their religions to find answers and comfort.
2. What is the main religion here?
Roman Catholic is 79% of the citizens living here's religion.
3. Does the government support religious freedom?
The government does allow people to choose their religions because people in Lithuania are Russian Orthadox and Prodestant.

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