Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ireland :)


I have been in Europe for two days now, and I love it. I'm already having so much fun, I can't wait to go explore more of it.
Ireland is the first country I visited. It is so calm here, and the people are really nice. I visited the city of Limerick on my first day, but that was just the beginning.
I went to the Passage Tomb in Newgrange ( an underground tomb made into chambers,) which is said to be the home of Oenghus, the god of love. Each of the chambers is filled with beautiful artwork from 3200 B.C.
Secondly, I went to King John's Castle. It was built in the 13th century, and showed an amazing veiw of Limerick City. As a souvenir, I got one of King John's old coins. Lastly, I took a tour of the Ox mountains. This was my favorite because I learned so many new things. The mountains are made up of metamorphic rock. I saw sheep farms, and the River Moy (the best- known salmon river in Ireland.) I also saw the highest point in the Ox mountains, which is Knockalongy, or "hill of storms."
My tour guide and I talked along the tour, and it turns out she is a parent of two little boys. I knew that this was a good opportunity to ask some questions, so i did. This is what she said:

1. Is it hard to provide for your family?
No, the government provides jobs for us citizens, so we can get the things we need.
2. Do you like your government now?
I do like it because we get to have some say in the government. I feel respected when the listen to our ideas, and having my thoughts being taken into consideration is nice.
3. Why do you live in Ireland?
My husband wanted to be a farmer, and we thought this was a good place. Also, the people are very nice, and my children can get a good education.

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